Hi There! Just wanted to drop in really quickly to let everyone know that I will be having my gall bladder removed tomorrow morning!
This means that I may {or may not} be posting much in the next week or so due to the recovery time. I'm hoping I can get a few posts in, but I don't want to make any promises. Once I've recovered 100% I will make sure to give everyone an update.
A lot of people keep asking me how I'm doing today and it seems my most natural response is: I'm okay. But let's be honest, I'm pretty scared. Surgery (even laparoscopic) is scary and has risks. Luckily for me, there are little to no risks associated with this surgery - outside of some minor pain and a few other small things.
But, in every bad situation there is humor!
And maybe if I am lucky enough, Justin will get a silly video of me coming out of the anesthesia, like this guy:
If you all are lucky, I might just share it with you all {maybe}.
But on a more important note, I wanted to give a nod to the importance of today. Today represents a day of severe tragedy in our country, but it also represents how strong we are as a country and represents the amazing unity we have. Never Forget.
See you all on the flip side!
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