10 Festive Christmas Tutorials

It is the day before Thanksgiving and do you know what the means?! It means that we will be having the most delicious food tomorrow and then I can get my Christmas Decorations up {because I do not decorate before Thanksgiving}!

Today I am sharing with you ten Christmas tutorials I am hoping to try in the month of December {and maybe a few between now and the first}.  If you end up trying any of these tutorials make sure to let me know! I would love to see your interpretations of these projects! 

To make your own, please see this tutorial. 

I hope you enjoy all of these fun Christmas crafting ideas! I am hoping with a long weekend ahead of me that I will be able to make some of these for myself! However, I may have to fight some of the Black Friday shoppers to get the supplies.

For more Christmas ideas, feel free to check out my Christmas Board on Pinterest.

If I do not get a chance to post tomorrow, 
Happy Thanksgiving!

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