Catching Up: Nicole and Nick's Wedding

Good News Everyone {I cannot say that without thinking of Futurama}!  I'm almost done catching up on the posts I missed after my surgery.  Phew!

Today's post is all about my wonderful cousin, Nicole's, wedding to the man of her dreams.  This year has most definitely been the year of weddings (between Tanna, Bryan, & Jamie) and we finished our weddings for 2013 off with a bang!

Nicole and Nick's wedding ceremony took place at St. Hugo of the Hills Stone Chapel.  To say that the chapel is beautiful is an understatement.  I swear I spent half of the time waiting for the ceremony to start looking just at the ceiling.  I have always had a fond appreciation for architecture and my excitement was tickled by this chapel.

Their ceremony was beautiful from beginning to end.  From the bride and her girls walking down the aisle to a live string instruments to the vows that they exchanged every single minute of the ceremony was a fairy tale.  The couple switched things up a bit by having their first kiss before exchanging rings which threw me off, but I still managed to grab a quick picture (although it is very blurry).

Once the ceremony was over, we made our way outside to the get some pictures in front of the fountain by the chapel.  I tried to get a good picture of Justin and I, but we both were squinting something fierce and it just did not look very good.  

After grabbing some pictures, we killed some time {we had a few hours between the ceremony and reception} then we all made our way to The Fountains Banquet Center.  I was very excited to see the inside of The Fountains because it was one of the places I have always wanted to see.  They had everything so beautifully decorated and they even brewed beer for each couple at the wedding! Justin and I have not tried ours yet, but we will be soon! 

Justin and I sat at a table with my cousin Jamie, her husband Kyle, my cousin Gabii and my brother Jared.  It was nice to sit by Jamie because I had not seen her since her wedding and Gabii had just started school at Grand Valley State University so we were all able to catch up.  Dinner was served buffet style so we patiently waited our turn to get the delicious food.  My favorite part was for sure the mashed potatoes.  I love mashed potatoes. 

Once everyone was seated for the dinner, the bride and groom took some time to have their first dance and the evening continued on with awesome dancing and great company.

Congratulations Nicole and Nick! May you have many years of happiness! 

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