This year we celebrated Christmas early with my family because my brother was spending Christmas with his mom. The plan was to get together, have a nice meal and exchange gifts.
This year we had fillet, mashed potatoes, salad, corn and rolls and it was very delicious! Justin and I do not get to eat steak too often, so it is always a treat when we can get our hands on a delicious steak meal.
After dinner we ate some leftover birthday cake from celebrating my brother's birthday the weekend before. If you remember, we always have Red Velvet Cake for my brother and step-dads birthdays and there is hardly ever any leftovers so this was another special treat for that day!
After dinner we spent time exchanging gifts and it was so fun to watch everyone open their gifts. We have a tradition that my step-dad, Jason, guesses what he is opening and he is usually 90% correct. We even tried to throw him off by wrapping his gift in a bigger boxes and filling them with fillers so that he cannot guess what is in them, but this year he guessed correctly.
My family was so generous with their gift giving and I am feeling so unbelievably blessed by them this year. I know Justin was excited for his gifts too because he got a gift card to his favorite golf shop that he will be using for some more fun golf items as he prepares for the upcoming golf season.
The evening ended with us playing a round of Russian Rummy with the new card shuffler, card holders and a new deck of cards. We always play Russian Rummy and it has quickly become one of my favorite games to play with them. Plus, I run this last round! It is not often that I win at cards and the last few weeks I have had quite the luck with card games {maybe I should play the lottery?}.
Our evening ended with our car full of gifts and a snowy drive home. Such a fun Christmas celebration with my family!
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