My 2014 Physical Challenge: Challenge Two

Photo rights belong to 30 Day Fitness Challenges
Happy Thursday everybody! I hope your week is going well and your Thursday is going quickly for you! For today's post, I wanted to share with you the physical challenges that I have given to myself.  Like everyone else, I would love to lose some weight for the new year, but in years past I have not had a solid plan for how I was going to accomplish that and I honestly was not successful. 

This year is a bit different though.  I decided to give myself monthly challenges that will go along with my other workouts to help keep me accountable during this whole process.  I have already started with the 30 Day Easy Push up Challenge.  As you can see, they are pretty simple and start out with only a few push ups a day.  For me, it seemed better to start with counter top push ups and increase the amount by 10.  So tomorrow, instead of 12 push ups I will be doing 22.  

On top of doing these challenges, I have a goal to workout at least two times a week, run another 5k, run a 10k, and possibly run a half marathon.  I had a half marathon on my goals list for 2013 and was not able to do it because of my physical issues.  But now that I have all of that lovely stuff worked out, I am going to try my hardest to do one this year.

|| Easy Pushups || Wall Sits || Crunches || Squats ||  Tricep Dip || Little Black Dress ||
|| Plank || Arms || Beach Body || Butt || Abs || Burpee ||

I have provided links to each of the challenges for your reference, but if you'd like to look at them feel free to check out my 2014 Challenges Board on Pinterest! These seemed like reasonable challenges to me to at least try, what do you think? I tried to layer them out so that one month would be arms, one would be legs, and one would be core that way I am not focusing entirely on one part of my body as you need to give your body rest.

As I continue doing these challenges, I will be sure to give you updates! I'm hoping that by doing small challenges daily I will help myself reach my ultimate goal of being in a healthy weight and healthy shape.

Question of the Day: What physical challenges have you given yourself for 2014? 

**Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by 30 Day Fitness.  These views are my own and have been discussed at my own free opinion. 


  1. These are just great!!! I am just seeing them now but will add them to my workout also..
    alitle late since it is sept but hey!!

  2. Hey.....are you coming out with this again for 2019?


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