Fantastic Friday

Hello everyone! I hope your weekend has been wonderful so far! I had a weekend filled with fun and exciting things that I wanted to share with you!

If you follow me on my Instagram, then you know that I took the kitties to the vet on Friday to get Leilah some shots and they were not having it.

I don't think I have ever seen her death glare at me harder then she did here, but all I could do was laugh.  At one point she even decided it would be in her best interest to climb into her bothers crate because, you know, it is safer.  That did not turn out too well for her and she still ended up with her shots.

Friday night Justin and I spent some time at home while before I made my way to the gym to get in my third workout for the week, and let me tell you what happened! This guy literally sat at the machine for 25 minutes playing with his phone.  If you remember from my People We Love to Hate at the Gym Post, this gentleman met one of the criteria by sitting there for that long.  Luckily I just moved onto the treadmill and got a quick run in before finishing my workout.

On a more exciting note, my Erin Condren planner came in the mail on Friday and I am so excited!

I have been wanting to buy one of these planners for a long time, so of course I was psyched when she sent a survey that included 25% off once you completed it AND the planners went on sale, I was a happy camper.  What do you think? I love the stripes on it and the wrapping it came in was SO adorable! If you're interested in getting one for yourself, go to this link!

Of course, with any new planner, I spent quite a long time filling the planner out and I still feel like I have so many more fun things I could of with the planner! I'm also looking at getting her address book that matches the planner that I purchased.   They're on sale right now too! Make sure to check them out.

Okay! That is it for tonight!

Question of the Day: How do you organize your life?

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