It Would Appear 10 Days Has Gone By

Hello Readers! I am so sorry that I disappeared for the last 10 days! A lot has happened and I have lost all notion of time.  

That being said, I have so many fun updates to share with you! 

I celebrated my birthday with my family

Justin planned me a surprise party with my friends 

We went to dinner and a movie on my actual birthday!

I went to Painting with a Twist with my girls and painted a beautiful beach scenery

I went out of town for the weekend with my two best girls

Oh and on top of all of that, I got sick and ended up being home from work today! So as you can see, I have been super busy the last ten days and I cannot wait to share all of the wonderful adventures with you and catch up on my regularly scheduled posts.

Thank you all for checking in and I will be talking with you soon!

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