#jackabeedaily2014 Week 18

Hello Everyone! It is Friday and it is almost Mother's Day! This weekend will be filled with birthday celebrations and celebrating mothers and I would not trade that for the world.  What is everyone up to this weekend? Do you have any fun plans with your moms/sisters/grandmothers?

Today's post is focused around #jackabeedaily Week 18! I'm sure you noticed I am a day off from the normal schedule... that is because I have been running around like mad woman trying to get things done at work and in my personal life. The month of May is a bit crazy for us with all of the birthdays and events, but I promise it will not take away from my time on the blog! 

Day 122: Justin and I went to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2 moving with Danielle and Stephen! If you decide to go see it, make sure to stay through the credits, there are spoilers for upcoming movies!

Day 123: I spent the day with my momma getting pedicures and shopping, then Justin and I celebrated my 25th birthday with my family in the evening with steaks, potatoes and delicious ice cream cake! 

Day 124: Justin and I got some professional pictures taken by my girlfriend who is getting her business up and running! Once I get all of the pictures back, I will make sure to share them with you all! In the mean time, here is a sneak peek on her blog: T Pink Photo

Day 125: Justin and I spent the evening looking at furniture, furnishings and paint chips.  We're getting ready to re-do a room and I am super excited!

Day 126: I came across this on Pinterest and had to share it.  Lately I have been feeling like my workouts (running in particular) have been very slow so this was a firm reminder to me to just keep going.

Day 127: Um, I think this fortune cookie contradicts itself, but it did make us laugh pretty hard when we saw it.

Day 128: First really beautiful day in Michigan and I spent most of it outside.  Danielle, Eric and Ned came for lunch at my building and we sat outside for about an hour then when I got home from work, I spent the majority of my evening reading a book out on the balcony.  Such a wonderful day! 

What exciting things have happened for you in the past week! I'd love to hear from you all! 

You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @runwithjackabee or find me here too...

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