#jackabeedaily2014 Week 17

Hello Everyone! How is your week going so far? Mine has been flying by and I am {like always} wondering how in the world it is already Friday!

This week has flown by for me! How about you?

Day 115: Took the kitties to the vet to get Leilah some shots and have Frye's eye checked out.  Leilah is healthy but Frye still has a long way to get his eyes recovered

Day 116: Spent the day with Danielle and Justin's Aunt Margy working on my Smashbook that Danielle got me for Christmas! I'm rather proud that I was able to get all of the pictures I wanted into the book before we left. 

Day 117: Sunday was spent hanging out with my girlfriends and celebrating Caroline getting engaged! Of course, it is not a fun girls night unless we are painting our nails!

Day 118: This. Only this. haha

Day 119: Saw this pretty cloud on my way to the gym and had to grab a picture.  We have had yucky weather all week, so I was thrilled when I saw the fluffy white cloud in the sky.

Day 120: Danielle and I went shopping to look for dresses for a birthday party/bridal shower/bachelorette party. So what do you think? Left or Right?

Day 121: Justin, Danielle, Ned and Eric came over and had lunch with me! I loved seeing them all for lunch!

What exciting things have happened for you in the past week! I'd love to hear from you all! 

You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @runwithjackabee or find me here too...

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