May Flowers are a Bloomin'

Hello May

Can I just point out that we are already in the month of MAY! I am having such a hard time comprehending that April is already over and we are making our way into May.  

May is a super busy month in our household with Mother's Day, my birthday, and my mom's birthday and this month is going to be extra busy, but I personally would not have it any other way.

In Chronological Order:

  • Birthday Celebration with my family
  • Photo Shoot for Justin and I
  • CD Release Party #2 for Justin's Boss
  • Surprise Birthday Celebration for me that Justin Planned
  • Mother's Day
  • Painting with a Twist with my girlfriends
  • Girls Weekend with Danielle and Sarah
  • Movie Monday
  • Mom's Birthday Celebration
  • Tiger's Game with my Family
  • My cousin, Kellie's, 21st Birthday
  • My cousin, Courtney's Bridal Shower & Bachelorette Party
If you remember, for my birthday last year, we made our way to Ypsilanti to do the Color Run! I was hoping that this could become a tradition for us, but The Color Run is not coming to our area until the third weekend in June and we missed the deadline to sign up.  I am not sure what Justin is planning for me, but from what I can gather, it is going to be a ton of fun! 

Other Happenings in May!

I did pretty well sticking on track to getting my workouts in for April and completing a majority of my challenges for myself, so I am going to continue with the challenges for the month of May.  If you have not had a chance yet, make sure to check out my book review for The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing post.  

My Challenges in April are:
I am going to hate doing the tricep dips! Why did I sign myself up for that? I know, I know, they are super good for me, but still.  There is nothing like doing them to make your arms feel super weak.  I am tempted to measure my arms before I start doing these and after to see how much tricep dips really do help.  If I remember, I will post the measurements in one of my next posts!

Question of the Day:
What fun things do you have planned in May?

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