Smash 48 Retreat

Happy Friday Everyone! I hope you have wonderful things on your schedule for the weekend! Ours is going to be filled with all wedding-related things! First a bridal shower, then a bachelorette party and finally a wedding reception! I am looking forward to all of the fun and excitement!

Today's post I wanted to share with you my fun ladies retreat trip I went on with Danielle and Sarah.  Sarah sent out an invitation to to all of the girls inviting us to come to the retreat with her and her mom back in March and Danielle and I were the only ones available to go.  It was SO fun too!

Friday evening we made our way up to Springhill.  If you live in Michigan and have not heard of Springhill before, make sure to check out their link! It is a super fun camp and I have been several times and would love to go again.

Friday evening was spent getting to know our cabin mates and going to session with everyone, so it was not overly exciting.  

Saturday morning we got up on the earlier side to get ready and make our way out to go zip lining! It had been a really long time since I had gone on a zipline (since our honeymoon almost three years ago) and let me tell you, it was SO fun! If you have never done this, I would put it on your list of things you must do!

After zip lining, we made our way to the first session of the day and lunch! Sarah and her mom taught Zumba in the morning so while Danielle and I made our way to Yoga, Sarah took a break then we all met up for Zumba in the afternoon.  I love her mom's class because she teaches all types of styles of dance and she uses music that matches the style.  I worked up a pretty good sweat when I was there AND I had a blast!

After dinner, we had our last session of the day which was before my favorite part of the retreat: PROM!

It was so fun getting all dressed up in gowns and heading out for the dance.  Plus, there were some really awesome dresses from the 80's & 90's there! We danced and had fun then stayed up really late giggling at stupid stuff.

Sunday morning, we got up early for breakfast and attended the last session of the trip.  This session was the most striking for me because of the lanterns that they gave us at the end.

When everyone had their lanterns lit, it was amazing to see how bright the room became.  They used the lanterns as a way to remind us that women are strong and when we work together, we can make great change in the world.  Definitely a great reminder when things get crazy.

Overall, the weekend was a ton of fun and I cannot wait to go back next year with my girls! 

1 comment

  1. Sounds like fun, especially the ziplining part! I really liked the lanterns idea!


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