Surprised @ Twenty-Five

This year, I turned a quarter of a century old, and let me tell you, it sure was fun! Justin went above and beyond this year to plan a fun semi-surprise party.  Semi-surprise party you ask? Well, I knew that we were going to do something and I knew that my friends were going to be there; however, I had no clue what we were doing.

For the first part of the evening, Justin planned dinner at Sagano Steak House.  I was so excited when we got there because Sagano is my favorite restaurant and it is a real treat when we go.  Have you ever been to a hibachi restaurant? If not, you should definitely make it a point to go! I love that you get to interact with the chef face-to-face and that you can see how your food is prepared.

Of course, the dinner is a lot more fun when you are with other people that you love and we took up an entire table with the ten of us.

 One of the things I was promised by both Justin and Danielle is that I would not be put "on the spot" in any way during the night, but that promise was quickly broken when a birthday dessert was ordered and the owner made me stand up and dance with him while they all sang to me.

Obviously, I had no problem doing the dance because I was rewarded with a tempura banana sundae! Oh my goodness was that ever delicious.

After dinner, another of my friends me us up at The Palazzo di Bocce for bocce ball! If you can remember, we came here with Bryan and Jenny a while back for a double date.  I had so much fun this time because there were so many people and we ended up making it a game of guys vs. girls.  Honestly, at this time I cannot remember who won because everyone was just talking and having a good time.

After bocce ball, almost everyone came back to our apartment to hang out and play some games.  We ended up playing Cards Against Humanity until about 1:30 in the morning when everyone filed out the door for the night. 

Such a fun evening and I could not have asked for a more fun birthday celebration! A special thank you to everyone who made it so special


  1. Sounds really fun! Happy belated birthday ! you sure had an amazing time :)


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