Mother's Day Celebrations

Just another catch up post, I promise I am almost done {maybe}.  For Mother's Day this year, Justin and made early plans with my mom and late plans with his mom because my step-dad travels and was leaving rather early for work on Mother's Day.

Our morning started early with me getting up and cutting up the fruit for the fruit salad I promised I would make for brunch.  You know, I never realized how long it takes to make fruit salad? I spent an hour cutting everything up and I still had half of the fruit left.  And plenty leftover! 

After throwing the fruit salad together, we ran out the door to head out to church with my parents.  My mom loves when we come to church with them, so it really was not a question that we would be going to church with them in the morning.

After church, we made our way back to my parents house for a delicious brunch of breakfast casserole and fruit salad.  My mom set the table again with her nice dishes and a pretty table cloth and we sat and enjoyed each others company until my step-dad had to leave for the afternoon.

After we were finished celebrating with my family, Justin and I ran around doing some errands before heading to the grocery store to grab our supplies to cook dinner for his mom.

This year we decided we would cook dinner for his mom and we ended up making steaks, mashed potatoes and corn on the grill and it was so delicious! Justin and I do not get to eat steak too often because we do not have a grill so it is always a treat when we get to have them.

After dinner, we watched the movie Philomena with Judi Dench and Steve Coogan.

If you have not had a chance to watch this movie, I would recommend it for sure! It is a heartfelt movie that touches on the love of a mother and forgiveness.  Honestly, it was the perfect movie to watch on Mother's Day! 

Question of the Day:
What fun things did you do with your mom for Mother's Day?

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