Tiger's Game for Mom's Birthday

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful, fun and exciting weekend! 

Last weekend we celebrated my mom's birthday by taking her to see the Tiger's play ball at Comerica Park.  Mom has been asking us to take her to a game for several years, so it seemed fitting that this be the year that we take her since a game fell on her actual birthday.

We got seats along the first baseline and we were sitting about four rows in.  The weather was absolutely perfect with temperatures of around 80 degrees, partly cloudy and a light breeze.  We were in the sun for the beginning of the game, but about the fourth inning, we were in the shade and the temperature was perfect! 

Before the game, we made our way up to my parents house to give mom her gift and her cake.  The night before, I went to her friends house to have dinner and cake so I made an Angel Food cake for that little celebration, but it did not seem right that my mom would not eat cake on her actual birthday, so we ran to Just Baked (yummy!) to get her a bumpy grumpy cake cupcake.  

For her birthday, we got her a Pandora Baseball bead because it seemed like the perfect gift for a fun day at the park.  After cupcakes and gifts we made our way to Subway to grab lunch, then we headed down to the game! Such a fun afternoon, even if the Tiger's did NOT play well at all.

The evening ended with us having pizza at my parents house and spending some time chatting before everyone went home for a good night's sleep

Happy Birthday Momma! 

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