Courtney Bridal Shower

This past weekend was filled entirely with wedding-related excitement and it was so much fun! On Saturday, I attended my cousin, Courtney's, bridal shower then spent the evening celebrating at her bachelorette party.  
I do not have too many pictures from the evening's festivities, so this post will be filled mostly with pictures from the shower.

For the shower, our family came together and made the decorations, food and delicious desserts! Her matron-of-honor requested that I made a few decorations for the shower, so I used the same idea of the pom poms that I used at Nicole's shower last year, but changed them to match the colors of this shower.  I also made tassels to hang around the room as a fun decoration.  They are simple to make and I used this tutorial to make them.   

The shower was lovely! We played a few of your classic "how well do you know the bride/groom games" and my favorite purse game! I love that game because it seems like us women carry the most random crap in our purses.

^ Are they not lovely? I have the silliest cousins on earth.  

The shower ended with the bride and groom giving an excellent thank you give and the guests leaving with full bellies since the food was delicious! It sure seems like I cannot seem to remember to take pictures of food that is too yummy.  

cannot wait for Ronnie and Courtney's wedding in August! It will for sure be a total blast!

{Congratulations Courtney and Ronnie!}

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