February: Month at a Glance

Happy February Friends!

Hi there! How are you doing? I cannot believe that we have already flown through January and are making our way into the the month of love.  I had such a fun time in the month of January, that I am really looking forward to seeing what February brings for us! 

Yesterday Justin and I went to celebrate our nephew's birthday and then had a few people over to watch the Superbowl.  When I have a minute, I will make sure to share a few pictures, but in the mean time, here is a sneak peek.

In Chronological Order: 
  • JP's 5th Birthday Party (how is he already 5?!)
  • SuperBowl Sunday with Friends
  • Manicures with Danielle
  • Coffee with my photographer friend Kristine at Tickled Pink Photo
  • Valentine's Day! 
  • Trip to Iowa to visit Wendy
  • Lazy Sunday with my girlfriends

Other Happenings in February:

In January, I was able to finish two books (be on the lookout for reviews) and started two other ones.  So I would like to continue my speed of about 2-3 books a month.  Currently I am reading, 20 Something, 20 Everything and Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames.  If I can finish those two plus one more I will be in great shape for February!

In February, I would also like to run one 5k (either a race or just for myself) which means I need to keep up on my running which I have not been all that great at.  

I would also like to actually start the #jackabeedaily2015 Challenge and start sharing pictures with everyone! I have been taking pictures on and off for the month of January, so I might just make an entire #JackabeeDaily2015 January Photos post sometime this month so I can catch up a little bit.

I am also hosting another fun Photo Challenge on my Instagram! Just head on over to my Instagram and start sharing your picture of the day - I truly love when people get involved in these posts.  It is so fun to see the wide variety of interpretations for each day.

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned for the month of February?

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