Show and Tell Tuesdays: Groundhog Day Edition

Happy Tuesday Friends! Michigan has been pummeled with anywhere between 12-19" of snow the past few days and we are slowly making our way out back into the real world.  Justin and I both were able to work from home yesterday, which was super nice.  I love getting days home with him to just relax and spend some quality time together.

I came across this fun bi-weekly post on Mix and Match Mama's blog and thought it would be super fun to do! This year (well the rest of the year anyway haha), I'm going to be linking up to Andrea every other Tuesday for her Show and Tell Tuesdays...

Just so you know, here is what's coming up this year on Show and Tell Tuesdays...

Today, she's asking us to pick our Groundhog know, that day that you would pick to do over and over and over again (like the movie Groundhog Day).

Can I just say, it is super hard to pick just one day to repeat over and over.  I have been blessed to have several days that I would love to repeat over and over but if I had to pick just one, I would pick...

October 28th, 2011

Or Our Wedding Day.

I know it sounds super cliche to pick this day because every bride should want to repeat their wedding day, but I have to say that I would love to repeat it over and over.  

This day ended up being so special for several reasons:
  • The weather was absolutely gorgeous! It was a "balmy" 50 degrees and sunny 
  • We were surrounded by our loved ones: family and friends 
  • I got to commit my life to the man of my dreams
  • This day meant a new adventure was beginning

It was a perfect day :).

This would be my Groundhog Day.

I had a huge sleepover with my bridesmaids.

We all got dolled up and gorgeous.

I committed my life to Justin - the man of my dreams.

We danced and had fun as one big happy family until the clock struck 12.

The adventure of our new life together began.

And there you have it! This is the day I would happily repeat over and over.

Question of the Day:
What day would be your Groundhog Day?

In two weeks, we will be talking about how we met our mate and got engaged... I don't think I have ever shared this story before, so I am very much looking forward to sharing that with you all!

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