Happy Wednesday friends! Today I am linking up with Mix and Match Family, Pinterest Told Me To and The Larson Lingo for the What's Up Wednesday Post. What's Up Wednesday occurs on the last Wednesday of every month and this is the first time that I will be linking up with these lovely ladies.
1. What We're Eating This Week
Justin and I had Nacho Pie planned for dinner yesterday but it turned out that I did not have all the ingredients so we ended up with spaghetti with ground turkey instead. For dinner tomorrow I am planning to make us Shepherd's Pie and Friday we will likely grab dinner out.
2. What I'm Reminiscing About
Last week was my Gramma Jackie's birthday and my dad was in town this weekend so my Gramma has been on my mind lately. She was such a kind and elegant woman so it has been so pleasant to sit and think about her over the past week or so.
3. What I'm Loving
My friend, Danielle, has been kicking butt on her reading goals for 2015 and she has been such an inspiration to me that I thought it was about time I get my rear end in gear and start kicking my reading goal in the butt. Since I got back on track I have been REALLY enjoying using Goodreads as my source for book tracking. If you want to be friends on Goodreads, you can find me here.
4. What We've Been Up To
On Saturday, my cousin Amy, got married in Downtown Detroit. So we spent the evening enjoying the company of family and friends. We have a few more weddings coming up this Summer/Fall that I am looking forward to.
5. What I'm Dreading
Spring Cleaning. I really hate cleaning and Spring cleaning is the worst type of cleaning that I have experienced. I know it is important to clean every year but I just really do not like doing it.
6. What I'm Working On
I signed up to swim 10 miles with my friend Christina. She currently signed up to swim 25 miles while I only signed up to do ten. I think if I had signed up when it started I maybe could have done 25 miles with her but since I signed up a little late I only did 10.
2 down... 8 to go!
7. What I'm Excited About
I'm super excited to go back to the Smash48 Retreat this year with Sarah! I had a blast last year and look forward to having a good time at this year's retreat!
8. What I'm Watching/Reading
I just started reading Girl, Interrupted for one of the many May Book Club reads I am participating in next month. So far I am fascinated by the book, so I think it will be a good read. When I post the Month @ a Glance Post for May, I will make sure to share all of my other reads for the month.
This show is about to wind down for the season, but I have really been enjoying watching it. The humor is very dry but also witty so it is right up my alley. I am also into Dancing with the Stars, Revenge and Game of Thrones right now.
9. What I'm Listening To
I just started listening to this book on "tape" through Audible and I am not 100% certain how I feel yet, but I am only 3 chapters into the book so I obviously need to give it a bit more time before I jump to any conclusions. If you're interested in reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt, you can buy it on Amazon.
10. What I'm Wearing
Michigan is going through this awkward phase of flipping from 60 degrees to 30 degrees so my wardrobe has been all over the place. Nothing new or exciting to share with everyone at the moment.
11. What I'm Doing This Weekend
This Saturday a group of us are running The Super Run and I am super excited. Justin and I are going to pick up our packets tonight and I am thrilled that we are getting capes to wear. The best part of this race is it raises funds for local charities in every city that it goes to. Should be a fun event to participate in.
12. What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
We have two birthday's to celebrate next month: Mine & My Mom's. Plus Mother's Day and Memorial Day - it should be a fun month for sure!
13. What Else is New
Nothing new to report here which is okay with me! I'm enjoying the consistency in my life right now to be completely honest.
14. What I am giving for Mother's Day...
I still have no clue what I am going to get my mom for Mother's Day. I have a few ideas floating around but nothing too exciting yet. I will see her tonight so I am hoping to get a few good ideas from her when I see her tonight.
If you have not had a chance to enter into the Meal Enders Drawing please make sure to do so!
I'd love to hear from you!
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