Happy Friday Friends! I hope your week has been going well and you have some exciting things planned for this weekend. Justin and I are going to my cousin's wedding on Saturday and Sunday is supposed to be beautiful so we will hopefully be spending some time outside.
Last Friday my sister-in-law, mother-in-law and I went to Painting with a Twist. What's Painting with a Twist you ask? Let me tell you!
You go a class with your friends/family and you re-create a painting from scratch. The twist is that you can drink alcohol while you are making your artwork. This is my third time going to Painting with a Twist and let me tell you, this class was hard. I did not expect it to be so detailed and time consuming, but I am super glad we went!
Yay for a blank canvas! So fresh and so clean!
Getting the background started!
Add those clouds yo!
Next came the sidewalks and the buildings in the background.
Then came the buildings in the foreground - jeez this picture looks so dark! I swear it is not that dark in person.
Ta Da! Didn't they turn out great? Janelle added a little extra touch to her picture by making her umbrella purple and shirt pink. I changed up my guys shirt to be blue since Justin wears blue all the time.
This class took so long but it was soo much fun and I cannot wait to plan another girls night with Janelle and Marcy.
Question of the Day:
What fun things have you done with your mom/mother-in-law?
I'd love to hear from you!
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