The Super Run

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are enjoying your hump day!

Today I wanted to share with you about The Super Run.  

About the Super Run
The Super Run is a national series of events that partners with non-profit organizations to put on superhero themed events to help raise funds and awareness for their cause. We provide logistical support, site selection, volunteer management and more. We do the heavy lifting, your organization just needs one coordinator to be the primary contact for that local event and the primary recruiter of additional volunteers. That’s it! We’ll help figure out site selection, manage the processes involved and so much more. So if you’re charity is looking to raise funds and awareness through a superhero themed event, then The Super Run is here to save your day!  

I was so excited when my cousin asked us to run it with her because it was for a good cause and it looked like so much fun! Plus everyone gets a cape! A cape!! I have never owned a cape of my own so I was like a kid at a candy store when we checked-in to the race.

For my first "race" of the year, I was very pleased with my time - especially since Justin and I had spent an hour jumping on trampolines the night before.  I forgot how hard a trampoline is on your body until I woke up Saturday morning and my legs and back were on fire.   

Besides the race being super disorganized, it was super enjoyable to be around everyone dressed up in their costumes.  We saw Quail Man from Doug, The Incredibles, Superman, and Captain America.  Justin went as the flash and I went as Superman - I wore my Superman shirt and fun matching capris.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite fun run that you've ran?

I'd love to hear from you!

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