October: Month @ a Glance

Happy October Friends!

Can you believe how quickly September flew? I am sitting here thinking, how in the world did we get here and where did summer go? October is going to be a super exciting month for us as we have our 4th anniversary and I am going to Uruguay!

In Chronological Order:
  • Bachelorette Party with my girlfriends
  • Apple Picking
  • Coffee Date with my Cousin
  • Learning to Crochet (again lol) with My Cousins
  • My Niece's 3rd Birthday Party 
  • Anniversary Celebration with Justin

Other Goals for August
Read at least 2 books 
Complete every single run on my list
Post at least 3 times a week

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in October? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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