November: Month @ a Glance

Happy November Friends!

Can you believe we are already in November? I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it and the fact that Christmas is seven weeks from now! Sorry for the delayed post - I just got home from Uruguay yesterday afternoon and it has been a bit chaotic since I got home.  I will fill you in on the trip & the chaos throughout this upcoming week.

I love November because it is always filled with time with family and friends.  Plus, so far, November has started out warm {which is awesome} so I can enjoy the outdoors a little bit more this month.

In Chronological Order:
  • Phone Date with Wendy
  • Snow Show with Justin's Family 
  • Celebrating Kimmy's Birthday
  • 3rd Annual Friendsgiving Dinner
  • Thanksgiving
  • Holiday Cookie Baking with Mom

Other Goals for November
Read at least 2 books 
Complete every single run on my list
#30DaysofThankful every day on Instagram 
Add 2 new listings to my Etsy Shop
Post at least 3 times a week

With the half-marathon quickly approaching, I am really focusing on getting all of my runs done.  I also need to get back into the swing of things with working out in general.  If you have any good workout ideas, please feel free to share! I am on the hunt for a few new exercises.

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in November?

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I have my second annual Friendsgiving this year. We had so much fun last year and I am really glad we are making it an annual thing!

    1. I love having Friendsgiving! Do you do a potluck style?


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a