We're Buying a House!

Hi Friends! I am so sorry that I have been so sporadic with my posts lately!

The last few weeks have been super crazy between putting an offer on a house, spending time with family and friends, and Strep Throat tearing through both of us.  Unfortunately, I am still suffering from the side effects of the Strep and will be on antibiotics for 10 or so days.  I swear I'm constantly "getting over something".  Either way, I'm glad to have  medicine that helps me feel better and I'm thankfully for my husband and friends that look out for me when I'm sick.

I am so excited to share with everyone that we are buying a house!

On Superbowl Sunday Justin and I decided to drive through a new construction neighborhood just for fun and ended up falling in love with one of the homes.  Originally we had planned on starting the house buying process in April with the plan to buy in June, but when we found out that this home would be completed in May/June we were just so excited.

This will be our first ever home and we are just over the moon with excitement! I am looking forward to having a home that we can decorate and have parties with our friends.  It will also be the place where we start a family in the future.  I just cannot wait!

Over the past few weeks, the house went from the picture above to the picture below.  It is crazy to see how much they can do over such a short period of time.  

I am so excited to start this journey with Justin and I plan to be share everything with you all! I love reading blogs where they talk about their homes so, of course, I plan to share with you all as well!

If any of you have ever built a house before, please feel free to share any tips//tricks we should know about this process!

Question of the Day: What was your first house like?
I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Let me know any tips/tricks you find out :) I'm in the process of looking right now too. Did you just look at the one house and fall in love with it? :)

    I've been looking since the end of Jan ... I have to let my apt building know by 3/30 if I'm staying or not :( even though my lease ends 5/31. So it's been kind of stressful, although interesting.

  2. I hope you feel better! Strep throat is so painful and annoying. Congratulation on buying a new house. That is so exciting. I think buying your first house is one of the best feelings. My wife and I recently bought a new house and we love it. I hope everything works out for you and your husband!


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a