August Book Review

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope your week got off to a great start and you have exciting things planned for this week.  

For 2016, I have decided that it is important for me to take the time to read books... I know, I know, I say this every year, but this year I promise will be different! 

The goal is to each month, read a random assortment of books and share a few thoughts about the book (but not too much as I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone).  I love reading and I love sharing books with you guys.

Plus, this is a great opportunity for you all to share some of your awesome reads with me! 

If you want to follow/friend me on Goodreads, click here.

And you can keep track all year long by clicking 2016 Books at the top of my blog.  I will keep a running list of books right there for you.

Okay, time for the books I've read // currently reading in August!

I had added Ready Player One by Ernest Cline to my to be read list a few months back because it sounded interesting and something that Justin and I would have enjoyed to read together.  So of course I was excited when Justin downloaded it on Audible.  We listened to the book in a little over a week and it was so good.  If you like gaming centered books, I would recommend it.  The book caught me from the first chapter and kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end.  

I tried starting reading The Light Between Oceans back in March and just could not get into the book.  I think I was not in the right state of mind to read it then, so I decided to give it another shot.  I think the movie advertisements caught my attention and I was drawn to the book.  So I grabbed it again and really enjoyed it this time around.  It definitely pulls at your heart strings and you find yourself torn with what to think about the whole situation.

Books I purchased in August:

So this month I managed to pick up a few books while on my trip to Traverse City and I am excited to read both of them.  This month I picked up Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and The Ruins of Gorlan (The Ranger's Apprentice Series #1).  I picked up the second book per the recommendation of someone at the book store while we were there.  Apparently Justin had already read these series and he is excited I am going to read them too.

Well that is all for my books for August! 

To check out the other books I have read this year, check out my 2016 Books tab at the top of my page or check out my reading list on Goodreads! If you have a Goodreads account, make sure to add me because I am always on the hunt for a good book recommendation.

Question of the Day: What good books are you currently reading? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. I actually *just* finished Ready Player One yesterday :) I agree, so good! I'm going to a book club Meetup tomorrow (my first one) and they are reading it. Right now I just started HP and the Cursed Child, not really a fan of plays but it's interesting so far.

    1. Wasn't it SO good! I wasn't sure how I would feel about it, but I literally stayed up late trying to finish it and I haven't been that excited about a book for a while. Did you see they're coming out with a movie soon for it?

  2. Have you seen the move, The Light Between Oceans, yet?

  3. Thank you for this post. I've been looking for new books to read this fall.

  4. I could not finish the second book of Miss Pergenie's. I've heard great things about Player One. If you haven't read it already check out Me Before You.

  5. I have book club on the 11th and we have to read Daughters of the Dragon by William Andrews. I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

  6. I love findng books to add to my to read shelf.

  7. I love findng books to add to my to read shelf.


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