December: Month @ a Glance

Happy December Friends!

Happy December! Can you believe we have already passed Thanksgiving and are quickly making our way to Christmas! I am so excited that we are in December as Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! I love all of the company, friends and fun things that we do every December.  Not to mention how festive everything gets!  

Things Happening This Month
  1. Thirty-One Party with Mom
  2. Friendsmas 2016
  3. Get Our Christmas tree!
  4. Work Event 1.0
  5. Work Event 2.0
  6. Thirty-One Spring Launch party!
  7. Cookie Baking with Justin's Mom & Sister
  8. Ugly Sweater Party
  9. Baby Baptism for My Cousin's Son
  10. LuLaroe // Thirty-One Open House
  11. Work Event 3.0
  12. Cookie Baking with My Mom
  13. Cousin Sleepover!
  14. Christmas Eve
  15. Christmas Day
Goals for December

1. Read {at least} one book.  Right now I am still trying to finish What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty.  At this point, I have been reading this book for so long I may as well start it over.  My goal is to read this one and a few others from my OwlCrates!

2. Scripture Writing/ 30 Days of Thankful.  I have been attempting to do scripture writing every day this year {without much success}, but my goal is to be more in scripture as this year winds down.  Maybe I'll be successful this time? Maybe.

3. Hit My Goals for My Thirty-One Business.  Last month I started selling Thirty-One for the first time ever! I was able to hit my first goal with the help of all of my awesome family and friends.  For the month of December, I would like to hit my goal and meet at least 20 new people.

4. Closet Clean Out.  Between Christmas and New Years I have some time off so I would like to take time to go through my clothing and get rid of anything I do not need.  Justin and I have been trying to get rid of things we don't absolutely need - so far it's a very slow process.  

Recap of November

1. Read {at least} one book.  I did not manage to finish What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty.  Maybe December will finally be my month for this book.

2. Scripture Writing/ 30 Days of Thankful.  Does completing about 7 days count? I got so busy I could barely keep my head on straigh.

3. Get the Dining Room ready!  The dining room is still not 100% painted.  Need to get some more paint and finish that bad boy by the end of the year.  

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in December?

I'd love to hear from you!

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