Weekend Highs & Lows #48

Hello everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  

Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We spent some lovely time with friends and family getting ready for the holidays! 



On Saturday, I had a Thirty-One party with my mom at her house! It was only my second party and it was so much fun! After her party, the girls came over for Friendsmas! We exchanged gifts, enjoyed homemade hot cocoa and played Mario Party on the Wii U! It was such a fun and relaxing evening. 

{If you need a good idea for a kid or adult, the Wii U provides hours of entertainment for children of all ages.}

Sunday morning we got up and went to go pick out our Christmas tree! I love this tradition with Justin's family - we get up early the first Sunday in December and make our way to pick out our own Christmas trees.  This year was so exciting for us because this is the first year we will have a tree in our house! Of course, that meant the tree needed to be huge - but not too big for the space.  

Everyone picked out their trees and we made our way back to Justin's parent's house for lunch and hanging out.  Another fun year with Justin's family picking out trees.  

Justin has been a bit under the weather and did not feel well all day Sunday.  I felt bad for him.

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