What's Up Wednesday #13

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I am linking up with Mix and Match FamilySheaffer Told Me To and The Larson Lingo for the What's Up Wednesday Post.  What's Up Wednesday occurs on the last Wednesday of every month and it is a fun list of questions getting ready for the upcoming month!

What We're Eating this Week
On Monday we had some friends over and we had pot roast with mashed potatoes.  It is one of my favorite meals to make and eat because it is so easy to make and generally healthy.  To make things easy, I generally buy a roast, add some onions and carrots and add a packet of Campbell's Slow Cooker Sauces: Tavern Style Pot Roast.  If you have not checked out Campbell's sauces I highly recommend doing so! They are easy to cook with and are delicious. 

What I'm Reminiscing About
The holidays are always my favorite time of year and they've been on my mind lately (probably because we finally put away our last Christmas decoration over the weekend).  There is just something so wonderful about the holidays. 

What I'm Loving
On a whim, I used my Amazon gift card my brother got my for Christmas to order a coloring day-to-day calendar and I am SO glad I did! I am really enjoying having a different picture to color every day.  If you want to get one like mine, check out Johanna Basford's 2017 Coloring Day-by-Day Calendar.

What We've Been Up To
The weather has been rather gloomy around here lately so we've spent a ton of time indoors the last few weeks.  So of course the natural thing is to binge watch a show.  Our friend, Nick, introduced us to Rwby and we just finished Season One last night! You can watch the first three seasons on Netflix or you can get them on Amazon.  

When we're not watching TV together, I have been still trying to finish Gilmore Girls.  I was not able to finish all of the seasons before the A Year in the Life, so I've been working through them whenever I can.  I am almost finished with Season 5 so I am getting there! Now to just find time to binge the last few seasons!

What I'm Dreading
If you've been reading the blog for a while, you know that I hate needles.  Well as part of my physical this year, I have to get my blood drawn and fast for 12 hours prior.  I am not looking forward to doing this, but I am thankful I have the ability to go to a doctor.

What I'm Working On
One of the things Justin and I have been doing lately is working on finishing the rooms in our home.  The next space we are focusing on is my office space.  We are planning to head to Ikea this weekend and get all of the parts for me to build my desk! I am super excited to finally get a space where I can organize all of my Thirty-One products, my desk stuff and my crafting supplies.  

Check out how to make this desk here.
Full Ofiice_L Shpe Desk:

What I'm Looking Forward To
This weekend my mom and I are getting facials.  For Christmas, Justin gave me money to go and get a facial and while I was there the Esthetician gave me two 1/2 off coupons for another facial so we are going to get facials Saturday morning after we have brunch! 

What I'm Watching/Reading
Right now I am reading What Alice Forget by Liane Morirarty{again}.  I started this book last summer and finally gave up and started it over earlier this year.  My plan is to have it read by the end of the month because it is just about time I dedicate the proper time this book deserves because it really is a good read.

What I'm Listening To
I have been loving the Proximity Playlist on Spotify.  Justin got me Spotify for our anniversary and it has been one of the most used gifts he has ever given me.  If you like techno/fast paced music then I highly recommend listing to the Proximity Playlist.  

What I'm Wearing
On Sunday, Justin and I went to the mall so he could shop for some Funko Pops and while we were at Hot Topic I saw and fell in love with this cardigan! I love that the pattern is subtle but still obvious and I could easily wear this with many different outfits.

What I'm Doing this Weekend
I already talked about it earlier in the post, but my mom and I are getting facials on Saturday then on Sunday we are going to Ikea to get the pieces for me to build my desk! I am so excited.  

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts:
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