March: Month @ a Glance

Happy March Friends!

Before I dig into my post for today, I am going to address the elephant in the room.  I literally went an entire month without a single post.  If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter you may have seen me post a few things here and there, but I have not been on the blog.  Honestly, I wish I had a good excuse for being away for a month, but I really don't.  I started February off very sick and have been sick on and off all of the month and my personal schedule went haywire.

So last night I sat down and planned out posts for the month of March {and some of April} and have made a plan for myself to not be so absent over the next few months.  I've really missed you all and I am excited to start sharing with you all again.

Back to the previously scheduled post....
Okay! So March is going to be a fun month for Justin and I and with Spring right around the corner, I am excited to be able to watch the flowers bloom and start enjoying some of the nicer weather {as long as Mother Nature is not cruel to us this year}.

On the agenda this month:

  1. Visiting a Vintage Market with a friend
  2. Blogger Get Together
  3. Get together with Some of My Married Girlfriends
  4. Brunch with a Best Friend
  5. Get together with My Cousins
  6. Going to see Rent with My Friend (be looking for another post on that!)
  7. Brunch at The Morrie with the Blog Group
  8. March Lazy Sunday!
  9. Mani/Pedis with Some Friends
  10. Trip to Florida for Justin's Cousin's Wedding

Goals for March 2017!

1. Read Two Books! The plan is to read my Owl Crate book for the month and then another book off my to be read book list.  If you want to join me in my quest to read 24 books this year, follow me on Goodreads.  And if you'd like to join the OwlCrate Book Group on Goodreads, check it out here! This month I will be finishing My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand and Caraval by Stephanie Garber (my February Owlcrate read).  And if I have time, I might read another book - but we will see!

2. Finish setting up my office/crafting space!  Last month Justin and I went to Ikea to get some supplies for my desk and the next step will be for me to set up the space.  I'm hoping to do an office reveal as soon as I get my office set up to my liking.  

Well that is all for the month of March! 

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned for this March?

I'd love to hear from you!

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