What's Up Wednesday #14

Happy Hump Day friends! 

Today I am participating in another round of What's Up Wednesday
Once a month I join in the fun with Sheaffer, Mel and Shay answering some fun questions and sharing what fun things are happening.  Here's the questions we answer every month...

What We're Eating this Week
With Memorial Day two days ago, we started the summer season off by grilling some burgers and hot dogs and spending the day relaxing.  (I wish this is what our food looked like, but I forgot to grab a picture of it, so I borrowed one from Cooking Channel TV).  I am excited that summer is finally here so we can take advantage of our grill and cook out more often.

What I'm Reminiscing About
When I did the Show and Tell Tuesday last week we talked about all of our travels we've taken over the last few years and it made me realize that I've had so many opportunities to travel and felt so blessed at the places I've been to visit.  

What I'm Loving
The weather in Michigan has been SO nice lately so I've been enjoying as much time outside in the hammock as I can.

What We've Been Up To
I've been spending a lot of time reading books and hanging out at home lately which has been so nice. 

What I'm Dreading
We have to finish painting our Dining Room and I have been putting it off for months.  I'm hoping with a slow weekend ahead we can finally get it done.  

What I'm Working On
My friend, Caroline, is having a baby and her baby shower is next month so I have been working on her baby blanket! I really need to get a move on because it can take a long time to finish any homemade projects.  Hopefully I can get everything done that I was planning to finish prior to her shower at the end of June! 

What I'm Looking Forward To
Next weekend, I am going to partake in Goat Yoga with my cousins! We signed up to take a class on a whim and I actually am super excited to check it out.  I love animals, so any chance I can interact with an animal that I otherwise would not get to interact with, I am happy.

To learn a bit about Goat Yoga, check out this video on YouTube: Goat Yoga!

What I'm Watching/Reading
If you have been following along with the blog, then you likely came across my #HPReadathon2017 Updates! In May, I started reading all of the Harry Potter books + the companion books.  So far I have finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Quidditch Through the Ages.  I also read The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and started reading How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr.  I'm looking forward to reading more of the Harry Potter books! To follow along for the Harry Potter Readathon, check out my Bookstagram: @RunwithJackabee_Reads.

What I'm Listening To
Mostly I have been listening to the Harry Potter Books on Audible, but I have also been enjoying a few summer-ish playlists on Spotify.  Do you have a favorite playlist? I am always looking for a new playlist to enjoy.  Share your favorites in the comments below!

What I'm Wearing
I have been wearing my bright colored pants from Old Navy.  I love how fun their Pixie Pants are and would like to get them in every single color available {now to wait to get a coupon or on a sale}.  

What I'm Doing this Weekend
Absolutely nothing and I am super excited about it.  

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts

I'd love to hear from you!

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