Currently: June 2017

Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are looking forward to some fun plans this weekend! Today I am doing another fun round of "currently".  I came across this idea on Becca Door's Blog - you should check her out! 

ANTICIPATING:  Two weddings and a baby shower! We have two weddings and a baby shower this month and I am super excited.  I love celebrating with people as they begin new journeys in their lives.  Plus, the food is almost always wonderful at weddings and baby showers.  

CLEANING: I desperately need to clean out my closet and get rid of some clothing/shoes/accessories.  Maybe I will make time for that this weekend? Maybe.

DRINKING: Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks almost every day.  I love the iced version and it is the perfect pick me up every morning when I've had a rough start to my day (because I am not a morning person at all)

FEELING: A little overwhelmed.  We have officially been living in our house for one year (OMG how did that happen?) and there is still so much we want to get done with the house and we have little to no time to do it.

WATCHING:  From a TV perspective, I've been watching Pretty Little Liars and Downward Dog.  Downward Dog is a new show and I wasn't sure how much I'd like it, but the humor is dry and right up my alley.  And this is the final season of Pretty Little Liars, so I have been watching those regularly so I don't miss anything.  

PLAYING: Last week I started playing Fallout 4 with my friend, Nick.  We ended up putting several hours into the game over the past two weekends and I really have been enjoying the game.  

READING: If you have been following along with the blog, you should have seen my #HPReadathon2017 posts!  Starting May 15th, I have been working my way through the Harry Potter books and some of the companion books.  I also have been trying to read How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr.  

RECOVERING: My body hurts from working out so I have been trying to help my body recover quickly after a good booty kicking.  

TRYING: To cook more at home than eating out.  Justin and I really need to get into the routine of cooking meals at home so I've been working to have a meal planned for every day each week.  Some weeks we do really well and others we just fall flat on our faces.  Thankfully this week has been a good week so far for meals.  

WEARING: It is that time of year where we go from warm to cold then back to warm so I've been wearing a lot of layers lately.  This usually consists of a shirt with a blazer or cardigan - just depends on how casual I am feeling that day.    

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?
I'd love to hear from you! Starbucks

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