July: Month @ a Glance

Happy July Friends! 

Oh my gosh how is the year already 1/2 over? I cannot believe we are already into July! Do you have any fun plans over the holiday weekend {for those in U.S.}? We are planning to see Despicable Me 3 this weekend with Nick and Kevin and taking some time to get some chores done around the house that we have been putting off for weeks on end.

July is not going to be quite as crazy as June so I am excited to get some time to relax and enjoy the nice weather Michigan has in the summer months.  I'm hoping it's warm enough to get out to Justin's parents pool and enjoy the water.  I love the pool and hope I get to lay out for a little bit this July.  

On the agenda this month:

1. 4th of July Festivities
2. Baseball Games for our Niece and Nephew 
3. Fall/Winter Kick off for Thirty-One
4. Baby Shower for my Cousin
5. Lazy Sunday with the Girls
6. Minor League Baseball Game with my Family

Goals for June 2017!

1. Read Two Books! The plan is always to read two books a month.  In June I managed to finish one book, so in July I would like to get at least 4 books read between The Harry Potter Books and a few other books on my to be read pile.  

2. Finish Painting the Dining Room.  So this task was on the list for June, but I physically did not have time to get it done.  So today or tomorrow Justin and I are going to finally finish the dining room - painting, hanging artwork and hanging curtains.  I am so excited.

3. Clean Out the Pantry.  When we moved into the house, the pantry was roughly thrown together and not organized so my goal in July is to go through the pantry and purge anything we don't need and organize anything that's left.  I bought a few bins to organize stuff in and I am so excited to use them in the pantry.  How do you use your pantry? I'm curious to see how other people organize them.

4. Clothing Purge.  I have been noticing lately that I have a ton of clothes in my closet that I don't wear or I have not seen in a long time.  I would really like to go through my closet/drawers and get rid of/donate/sell any clothes I no longer need and replace some that need replacing (like socks or underwear).

Well that is all for the month of July! 

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned for this July?

I'd love to hear from you!

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