Snowmobile USA or Snow Show

Because I live in Michigan, snow is almost an inevitable occurrence every winter.  But, unlike most Southern and Western states, Michigan celebrates the snow with "winter sports".  The joy of living in a four season state is the toys we get to play with in the Winter AND Summer.

Every year my in-laws make the hike to Novi to check out the Snow Show.  Like most other expos, there are a ton of vendors that come out and sell their stuff at a discounted price.  It ranged from snow pants, to jackets, to parts for a snowmobile, and even the snowmobiles themselves.

J.P. is almost big enough for this snowmobile here! Maybe in a few years he will be able to drive one by himself!

Justin decided he would try it out too.  I think he is a bit too big for it, don't you?

One of the big things in my in-laws family is everyone having Ski Doo jackets and clothing.  However, I do not own a single piece of Ski Doo clothing, so I took my time trying on a wide variety of items that I might be interested in purchasing.

What do you think? My father-in-law told me that if I could do the Gangnam Style dance in the clothes, then he could declare that they fit me properly.  Guess what! I could do the dance! I really loved the color and fit of the jacket so I might go back and buy it later.  I can say for certain that the jacket and pants will keep me warm in the freezing cold because I was sweating within five minutes of wearing them.  Always a plus.

Question of the Day:
If you live in a state with snow, what is your favorite Winter Sport?

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