2018 Reading Plans

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope your first few days back to work have been going well and you are adjusting to the new routine of 2018! 

So every year I tell myself I am going to read more books and every year I miss my goal by several more than one book.  In 2018, I am going to try hard to hit my goal of at least 40 books {and if I'm feeling ambitious, maybe I'll go for 50 books}.  So why the jump from a goal of 24 in 2017 to 40 in 2018? I actually have a little guide to help me this time! 

Have you heard of POPSUGAR? They created the perfect Reading Challenge that helps readers not only broaden their horizons a little bit, but it also challenges them.  I came across this list in one of my book groups on Facebook and thought, why not?! I'm sure some of my TBR Pile will tackle some of these items and it will force me to look outside of my comfortable genre and try something a little different this time around.

To make this process more fun, I joined the 2018 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Facebook Group, as well as their group on Goodreads group to connect with other readers and get inspiration for book categories for which I may get stuck.  I'm hoping by connecting to other readers, I will be more inspired to read more through 2018.

Okay! So here is the list of book topics.  To get your own printable copy from POPSUGAR, click here.
POPSUGAR also has and advanced list for those readers looking for the extra challenge in 2018.  Right now I am not planning to tackle that list, but if I do decide to, I will be sure to share it here on the blog! To see that list, go here.

In honor of challenging myself to read more this year, I have created a page where you can follow along with my reading and read reviews of the books I have read so far this year.  Check out that page here.

I'm always looking to add more friends on Goodreads too! So if you are a member of Goodreads, check out my profile and send a friend request my way!

Question of the Day: What books are you planning to read this month/year?

I'd love to hear from you!

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