A Few Changes for 2018.

Happy Monday  Friends! I hope your week is off to a great start and you had a wonderful weekend this past weekend.  

I wanted to stop in to have a quick chat with you all about the blog.  Obviously I had a rough time keeping up the blog on top of everything else I had going on in my life towards the end of last year.  From some aspects I felt very sad that I was not able to keep up with the blog, but on others I was relieved to not have the pressure of generating topics for the blog and maintaining all the social media aspects of the blog. 

Now that 2018 has arrived and I have taken a few months to collect my thoughts, I am happy to get back to blogging.  But this time, I want to make sure that I do not burn myself out in a few months and disappear for the summer again {then again around the holidays}.  Blogging is something I very much enjoy doing and I want to make sure that I reincorporate it back into my life. 

So here's the plan I have come up with for 2018:

1. I would like to do 2-3 posts per week.  These posts can range anywhere from Month @ a Glance posts to What's Up Wednesday posts and everything in between.  

2. If I am doing a non-regular post, I want to make sure that it adds value to both your life and mine.  I do not want to become one of those bloggers who posts for the sake of posting.  Not only is that boring for you, it is a waste of my time.

3. I want to connect with you more.  Have a topic I haven't covered but would like to see me post about? Send me an email at runwithjackabee@gmail.com or comment below.  I am happy to address different areas of my life or topics that I might not regularly cover.

4. If I do not have posts or topics, or I need to take a break, I will make sure to share with you all my plans for a break.  That way you know how long I'll be gone for and what to expect.  I know, for me, it's frustrating when I go to read a blog and the blogger has just disappeared so I want to make sure I do not do that to you.  

I think that covers everything I wanted to {so far}.  If I think of anything else that I want to share regarding the blog, I will make sure to post an update on this post so everyone is in the loop.  

Question of the Day: What topics would you like to see covered on the blog?

I'd love to hear from you!

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