23andMe Results!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are my own and are not those of 23andMe.  Should you click any of the links below and purchase a product, I will be compensated in some form for your purchase.  

Happy Monday Friends! 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a wonderful start! A while back, I talked about how Justin gave me a 23andMe DNA kit for Christmas and how I was super excited to find out more about myself and my ancestry.  Well, the results are in!

Turns out I am mostly British and Irish, which honestly did not surprise me.  Based on my skin, freckles and hair type, I was estimating that I would be Irish at least.  I was a bit surprised to find that I had French and German in my blood, but I thought that was pretty exciting.

Another part of the test is the Traits Portion.  This covers the different traits I would be likely/not likely to have based on my DNA makeup.  For most of the 81 traits they provided, it was accurate.  However, some of the traits they listed me as less likely to have I actually did have.  A perfect example is a Widow's Peak.  They listed that I would be unlikely to have one, but I do.  Interestingly enough, of the participants that have similar DNA to myself 78% did NOT have a Widow's Peak and 22% did.  So I was in the 22% minority in this area.  There were a few other traits that I showed that were predicted to not be present so it looks like I took some of the minority traits in some areas.  It was fun to see the different traits that I would likely to share with people sharing similar DNA structure as myself.  

Because Justin got me the Health + Ancestry part, the test also looked at some common medical issues and gave me some information about *potential* issues I could have based on my DNA type.  It also looked to see if I had any of the variants in my DNA that would indicate things like Alzheimer's or Macular Degeneration.  I am not going to share the results in great detail here, but I will say it was very informative and I am glad to know what things I could be predisposed for.

So that is the end of my results! I definitely think that doing the test was worth the price to  know more about myself and learning more about my heritage (especially with no known medical history).  

Want to check it out for yourself? 

Thinking about doing your Ancestry test too? Go to and check out their DNA Genetic Test kit options! And if you decide to do one too, make sure to let me know! I'd love to hear about your experience too!

I'd love to hear from you!

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.


  1. I did 23&Me as well and was surprised by my results - 47% Ashkenazi (unsurprising, both my mom and I are Jewish) but like 25% French with some Irish and German thrown in there too. Pretty interesting.

    1. How interesting! I was surprised I was .1% Ashkenazi, but I guess it's somewhere in my heritage haha


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