What's Up Wednesday #18

How is it already the last day of February?! I cannot believe that we're already done with two months in 2018.  So it's been a while since I've done this series (since October 2017 actually) and I realized that I missed doing this series and thought I would pick it back up. 

The idea of the series is to post once a month (on the last Wednesday of the month) what you've been up to by using the prompts provided by Sheaffer, Mel and Shay.  There's always 13 standard questions with an additional bonus question - usually themed around something for that month.  Here's the questions:

1. What We're Eating This Week
I have been having such a hard time meal planning lately, so I am not entirely certain what we are going to be eating this week.  I tend to resort to the typical cheesy chicken and rice or nacho pie, but I'm hoping to break out of the slump soon with some new recipes to try. 

2. What I'm Reminiscing About
Lately I've been thinking about the apartment we lived in before our house.  I have so many funny and fond memories of that apartment and it makes me smile to think about it.  I am so glad we have moved out of apartment living, but every now and then I miss it.  

3. What I'm Loving
Even though it has been rainy lately, I have been enjoying the warmer weather.  Michigan has been all over the place this Winter with snow, freezing, warm and everything in between.  I look forward to warmer weather where I can roll down my windows and just enjoy the commute.  

4. What We've Been Up To
We've (more Justin then me honestly) have been working to get the powder room and mudroom decorated.  For the past 18 months, we've done a few small things to make the house feel more home-y, but we decided 2018 would be the year we'd try to get things more put together.  In mid-February, Justin took a long weekend and painted both the mudroom and the powder room.  I cannot wait to share the final result with everyone once it's complete! 

5. What I'm Dreading
We've sent our taxes over to our CPA.  I'm fearful we will owe money this year.  I doubt we will owe money, but I still fear that something was messed up and we will end up having to pay the government back (especially with Justin getting a new job last year).  

6. What I'm Working On
Baby blankets! Four of my cousins are having babies (yay!!) in 2018 and I have a tradition of knitting a car seat blanket for everyone in my life that has a baby.  I've already finished one blanket! Now I have three more to go!  

7. What I'm Excited About
I am excited about the mudroom/powder room.  I love decorating and having creative freedom.  While these are small places, I am excited to get them freshened up and organized! Such a fun and exciting way to make the space feel more like "ours". 

8. What I'm Watching/Reading
Honestly, most of my TV time in February watching the Olympics.  I love figure skating.  Isn't it just so amazing what they can do on the ice? Seriously so amazing.  

9. What I'm Listening to
I came across the Workout Beats Playlist on Spotify and have been loving it! I tend to prefer fast beat music, and almost every song on there is fast paced and upbeat.  It always gives me a little boost of energy when I listen to it.  

10. What I'm Wearing
This time of year in Michigan is always chaotic weather-wise so some days I'm in boots and sweaters and sometimes I'm in flats and a cardigan.  Mother Nature always throws us curve balls so I almost always have several layers and an umbrella at all times.  

11. What I'm Doing this Weekend
This weekend I have an all-committee meeting for my HOA on Friday then no other plans the rest of the weekend.  I'm hoping to get to a Cyclebar class while Justin is at his golf lesson on Saturday, but otherwise no real plans - probably just cleaning and doing laundry.

12. What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
I have TWO plays on the agenda in March: Cinderella and The Sound of Music.  I am super excited to see both.  It will be so nice to spend some time with loved ones and I always appreciate going to the theater.  

13. What Else is New  
Not much, honestly.  I appreciate that things have been staying consistent for me lately.  It helps me focus on everything else I have going on.  

Well that is all for today's What's Up Wednesday! If you want to check out past What's Up Wednesday posts, go here.

Question of the Day: What's up in your life lately?   

I'd love to hear from you!

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