March: Month @ a Glance

Happy March Friends!

And happy baby Friday! I hope your week has been going well and you are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead! 

Yet again, it feels like the month has FLOWN by - and I think it's more dramatic because February is a few days shorter than the average month.  February was so much fun with all of the random evens we had and ALL of the snow we had dumped on us by Mother Nature.  At one point, we had over 16" (40.64 cm) in our front yard that promptly melted less than a week later.  Michigan sure does have chaos when it comes to weather.

March is going to be a slower month for us in our personal lives, but our work lives are going to be crazy.  Between his quarterly release and my digital summit, we're going to be exhausted.  That being said, I'm looking forward to the weather starting to warm and more sunshiny days ahead. 

So here's what we have going on this month!

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Eye doctor appointment for me!
2. All Committee Meeting for our HOA 
3. Allergist Appointment 
4. Justin's Quarterly Release
5. Seeing Cinderella with my Mother-in-law, sister-in-law and niece! 
5. Celebrate and Connect Event for Thirty-One!
6. St. Patrick's Day Dinner/Celebration
7. The Sound of Music Live with my mom, cousin and aunt! 

Goals for March

1. Read Two Books: I struggled to find time for reading in February and only managed to finish Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, but that works out because the third book in the series comes out this month! So for March I am planning to read Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff and if that doesn't eat all of my time, I'll grab another book from my list.  

2. Finish Decorating the Mud Room & Powder Room.  I'm excited to report that the mudroom and powder room have been painted! The next step will be to get the bead board hung.  Once that is done I can get to decorating the space! I have a few ideas, but I really am loving the idea of shelves above the toilet for the powder room.  Something like this:

See the pin here:
Justin is thinking he can build those shelves so once those are done, I will be spending some time looking for cute items to fill the space.  I also need ideas for how to decorate a mudroom/hallway.  It's a high traffic space, so I need to be cautious with what I hang there.

3. Finish moving boxes from the garage to the basement.  The garage has been emptied of all but 2 or 3 boxes with the rest being trash.  We've had to pilfer out trash week-by-week so we do not overload our trash pick up.  Once all of the trash has been removed, the last few boxes will be emptied and moved to the basement (or thrown away/donated).

4. Get blinds/curtains for the garage and guest bathroom.  So last month I talked about ordering blinds from Select Blinds, but I am actually thinking we will just go to Home Depot and get what we need from there.  That way we don't have to wait for them to be delivered.  {I know I'm super impatient, but I am just so excited!}.

5. Clean basement floors.  So one of the things that we have not done yet is clean our basement floors.  This seems like an odd one, but because our house was new when we bought it, the floors are extremely dusty.  This means, when we go to the basement and come back up, we bring dust into the main part of the house.  It's just a total mess at times.  So I would like to take some time in March to vacuum/mop the floors and get rid of any trash in the basement.  

Question of the Day: How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? 

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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