June: Month @ a Glance

Happy June Friends!

I can't believe we're entering June already! BUT I am looking forward to sunshine, swimming, time with friends and the general wonderful-ness of Summertime!

I always feel like May flies by with my birthday, Mother's Day, my mom's birthday and Memorial Day, so I am hoping that June finds us a little slower (though that is unlikely).  The best part of June is we start seeing some of that beautiful warm temperatures and people start coming out of hibernation for the summer. 

So here's what's on our agenda this month! 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Spend some time with Grandma before she heads back to North Dakota
2. Baby Baptisms! My cousin's are baptizing their babies the same day
3. McKenna's dance recital!
4. Father's Day Celebrations with our dads
5. Vince's 30th birthday party
6. Annual strawberry picking event with Justin's family
7. Possibly heading to Grand Rapids to visit my cousin before she has her baby boy

Goals for June

1. Read Two Books:  Y'all..... I still haven't finished reading Ace of Shades by Amandy Foody.  I have enjoyed the book so far, but I feel like there are never enough hours in the day for me to get everything done AND sit and read a book.  Does anyone else have this problem? This month my goal is to finish Ace of Shades.  

2. Purge the pantry and linen closet.  One thing I have been trying to do is purge things I no longer want/need or are expired.  In June, I would like to go through our pantry and dispose of any items that have expired and I want to go through our linen closet in our master bath to get rid of any expired medication or unused products.  

3. Work on the Garden.  This is a carryover from May, but this still stands.  Ideally, I would like to put some burning bushes and some hydrangea into our garden before it gets to late for planting.  Otherwise I will have to wait until Fall.  I am happy to report our lawn looks much better this year than last year - it took a while to get there, but it looks nice.   

4. Focus on Thirty-One.  Last month I came very close to closing down my Thirty-One business, but I am happy to say that it lived to see another day.  Thirty-One is just a little side business, but I find when I get really involved with my business, I really enjoy myself.  For the month of June, I am planning to really focus on my business and see if it is something I want to continue pursuing.  Interested in learning more? Check out my Facebook Group.

Question of the Day: What are you planning for your dad for Father's Day? 

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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