Product Review: billie Razor

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Happy Friday Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to a fun week ahead.  We will be hanging out at home for the weekend and doing a virtual game night with our friends and maybe watching a few movies.  Otherwise, we will just be hanging around our house {just like the last 2 months}.

Today I wanted to share a product review with you all.  I am sure if you have an Instagram account then you've seen this razor pop up on your feed more than one time over the last week or even the last 24 hours.  If you're like me, you were interested in the razor because how in the heck does it shave through all of that girl's armpit hair in one swipe, no way! Of course when one of my favorite YouTubers provided a review of the razors and my neighbor mentioned how much she loved hers, I had to give them a try.

Before I get into the nitty gritty of the review, I wanted to first say that this post is in no way sponsored by billie.  I purchased the item with my own money and was in no way compensated for providing a review.  I really was just curious and thought some of you might be too.

How it Works:

Of course, the first thing you have to do is go to the billie site to check out the products.  When I was on the site, I was surprised to see that they also sell other items like dry shampoo, face wipes, body wash and body lotion {obviously they sell shaving cream too if you need some, but I was recommended to avoid it}.  I might go back later to try a few of their other products because they sounded very neat and the price was not crazy on them.

Since my main focus was the razor, I immediately gravitated to the Razor Starter Kit.  First you choose the color razor you want {I went with Dream Pop - but I should add that it looks like their color options change frequently}.  Then you select the frequency at which you shave.  The options are as follows:

1. Everyday (delivery once a month)
2. Few times a week (delivery every two months)
3. Once a week (delivery every three months)

For me this was a bit difficult of a choice because some weeks I shave once a week and others I shave more depending on how lazy {or not lazy} I am being that week.  Ultimately I went with once a week, because I figured I could always up the frequency if I wanted to get them more often.

Once everything was added to the cart, I went ahead and checked out.  My cart said that I was ordering: 

1. Razor Starter Kit - razor, two blades and a magic (magnetic) holder to keep my razor stored on my shower wall when I'm not using it
2. Next Shipment - 4 refill blades which would ship every 3 months for $9

All together at checkout I paid $9.54 which covered the cost of the Razor Starter Kit and my taxes.  

Exactly one week after I placed the order, my item arrived and it was time to test out this razor!

Happy Mail

I have to give billie credit - the packaging was super cute.  Everything came in a small box that matched their color theme of blue, pink, yellow and red.  Inside the box, there was a little note on the flap that said, "Time to give your lady body some love" with two hearts.  I thought that was a nice touch.  Inside the box, there was a pouch.  Personally, I thought it was a bit redundant to have everything inside a pouch, inside the box - maybe even a bit wasteful.  But I also understand that they needed something to protect the items en route to my house and the pouch could do that.

Inside the pouch was:
1. Razor
2. Razor refill
3. A holder for my handle (it's magical) + additional sticky piece
4. Sudsy body wash sample
5. Wonder Wipe sample
6. Pamphlet on how to do everything

Once everything was out of the pouch, I started putting it all together to see if the razor holder would even work.  And I have to say, it's been up in my shower for a month now and it has not fallen once.  My old razor thing would fall off the wall all the time and ultimately ended up on my little shower bench, but this holder has not fallen once.  I have not had a chance to try the body wash or wonder wipe, but I'm sure I will put them to good use soon.

My Thoughts

So I will be the first to admit that I let my armpit hair and leg hair get super long to really put the razor to the test.  I am sad to report that it does not take off super long hair in one swipe - armpit or otherwise.  When shaving with the razor, I found that it clogged up about the same or maybe a little less than my traditional razors do and I had to clean it up every few swipes to keep the shave clean.  As far as knicks go, I did not find myself with any knicks on my skin while using the razor. 

I wanted to see how the razor would hold up as an everyday razor and used it a few other times for more of my "everyday" shaving and the razor did very well.  It did not clog up as much as the first use and gave me a clean shave overall.  I did end up with a knick on the back of my leg (but it was absolutely my fault - I wasn't paying attention).  

I am definitely planning to continue my subscription with billie and having my razor refills delivered every few months.  For the $9 price and the ease of use, it makes so much sense to keep having them deliver my razor.  At $2.25 for a refill, it's hard to not keep it going when I was paying significantly more money to get my refills on my previous razor.

So that is all for my review! I hope you found it helpful and insightful.  

Thinking about giving billie razors a try? Let me know in the comments section below or find me on any of my social media accounts.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.

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