It has Been a While {04.23.21}

Hello there! How are you doing? I know, here I am again 8 months later popping up to share a post with you.  My routine has been to post for a month or so, then fall of the face of the earth.  This time I am coming around to catch up with you all and see how things are going for yo and share a bit about how we are doing.

Let me start with this....

2021 has been rough.

I started the year strong with working out daily, drinking all my water, getting up early and overall prioritizing my health.  I was feeling really good and even made it a point to workout when we went up north for Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend.  I thought for sure that THIS would be the year that I finally lost all the weight and I could get my life together {insert some joke about New Years Resolutions and how they don't work}.  The universe had other plans for me though. 

In an effort to keep things short(ish), I am going to highlight how the year has been so far.


Worked out every day for 19 days, went up north for a long weekend to enjoy a little get away, but when we got back from up north, my mom ended up in the hospital with complications from COVID.  Both my mom and step-dad had COVID, but for some reason my mom's experience was much worse.  I am happy to report that she is okay, thanks to the wonderful staff at our local hospital, but that was one of the scariest things I have experienced thus far in my almost 32 years of life.  We did everything in our power to support my parents from a distance and thankfully she ended up being okay.  


Justin's parents contracted COVID.  Thankfully their experience was not nearly as frightening as my mom's, but it was still very stressful worrying about whether or not they would get as sick.  I am happy to report they are also doing okay and are now fully vaccinated.  February ended with me attending my first ever BlizzCon (online) since I picked up playing World of Warcraft in November of last year which was a fun experience for me. 


At the beginning of March, I had had the weirdest period (sorry TMI) I had ever had in my life and for good reason.  We found out that we were pregnant! On March 3rd and the next few days after, I took way too many pregnancy tests, but the results were all the same.  Over the next month, we spent time figuring out how we'd tell family and how we'd tell friends.  We started daydreaming about a nursery and our baby shower.  We even started planning names (which honestly was my favorite part).  It was such a joyful and exciting time.  But unfortunately, March ended (quite literally) with us finding out that our baby had stopped developing at six weeks and it was a miscarriage.  

April (until now)

In an overabundance of caution, on April 5th we had a follow up ultrasound to confirm that the baby had, in fact, discontinued developing.  The news was exactly what we were expecting with no heartbeat.  The last 18 days have been spent waiting for my body to miscarry only to find out that it wouldn't and needing to take medication to help the process along.  I am planning to write a more detailed story about our first pregnancy once I can sit down and wrap  my brain around it all.  But I wanted to share a bit with you all about what has been going on with us and part of the reason that I have been absent.  April overall has been very quite (thankfully) and we've been just enjoying time at home before the chaos the summer brings.

Moving Forward

I think the pretty much catches you all up as to our year thus far.  Of course, I highlighted some of the more sad and depressing things, but I wanted to try and explain what has been going on causing me to not be as present on the blog.  I have to admit, writing is one of my biggest passions, but for some reason when life gets overwhelming, it's the ONE thing I tend to push aside the most.  I am really hoping that over the next year I can get back into the blog and sharing fun and exciting things with you all.  

I hope life has been treating you all a little better than it has Justin and I.  I know 2020 and 2021 has been hard on many people, so if you need a listening ear, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I would love to support anyone that needs the support. 

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