Hello and Happy New Years everyone! I hope you have some fun plans for tonight. We're having a quiet night at home together and I'm excited to just be able to relax. Tomorrow we're starting 2022 by spending time celebrating Christmas with Justin's family and I'm excited.
I wanted to pop on to talk a little bit about my goals for 2022. Every year I put together a list of things that I plan to accomplish in the coming year, and my like everyone else I tend to not stick to them so this year I am going to try and be as specific as possible to find ways to stick to my goals in 2022. For now, I am going to break them down into four categories: Health, Wealth, Personal and Business. So let's get started!
Normally I would be putting something on here about finally losing all the weight, but this year I am going to take another approach. Instead of focusing on losing weight, I want to work on falling in love with my body again. This will look like exercising my body to improve mobility and mental health, drinking an appropriate amount of water every day and fueling my body with healthy foods. As health is more than physical, I am also going to work on mental health as well in 2022.
For exercise, I am aiming for 30 minutes of any exercise a day. This could look like going for a walk, taking a yoga class on YouTube or hopping on my Peloton for 30 minutes. I don't want to do anything too crazy, but need to make sure that I move my body every day - making sure some days I push myself a little harder and others I listen and take active rest days.
The old idiom is that you need to drink 1/2 your body weight in water a day, but I have actually found that I make myself ill when I try to drink that much. For now, I am setting my goal to 80oz {or 2.36 liters for non-US friends} of water a day. If I get to the point where I am consistently doing that much and feel I need more then at that time I will increase the amount.
Fueling my Body:
For me, food is a source of comfort and has been for years. For 2022, I want to work on readjusting my relationship with food and focus on how food is fuel versus comfort. This will look like eating healthier meals at home and not ordering out as much as we had previously. And if we are going to eat out, try and order a healthier option. This also means limiting my amount of caffeine a week to help keep my anxiety levels down. I also need to make sure I take my vitamins - I take Vitamin D, Prenatal vitamins, Omega 3 and Probiotics.
Mental Health:
If 2021 taught me anything, mental health is just as (if not more) important than physical health. Between our miscarriage and all of the stress we had last year, I was not in a good headspace mentally and it just got to the point where I was completely shutting myself in. In 2022, I am going to continue doing the work I started in 2021 to make sure my mental health keeps moving in the right direction. This will include continuing my monthly sessions with my counselor, communicating my mental health needs to those around me and making sure I acknowledge when my anxiety is bad and do what I need to to do give myself a break.
In 2021, Justin and I worked very hard to pay of the remainder of our credit card debt and I can say that we were able to finally do that; however, we had a little hiccup at the end of the year when we were both feeling sad and did a little damage that we need to fix early in 2022. It's nothing major, but still something that needs addressing.
In 2022, I would really like to see the following three things happen:
- Pay off all credit cards again (which should be no problem as it wasn't a lot in the first place).
- Finally pay off my student loans.
- Pay off my car.
Once we meet our goals for 2022 financially, we are going to look at starting to save a 6-month emergency fund. This means that we would save enough money that if something happened and we were both unemployed we could live comfortably for 6-months. We will definitely not hit that goal this year, but if we can get started I'd be thrilled.
Goals for myself
In 2021, I had set a goal to read 40 books and I managed to only read 12. There is no reason that I could not have read more, but I just was not motivated. So for 2022, I am giving myself the same goal to read 40 books which is about 3.5 books a month. The only difference between this year and last year is I am putting together my list of 40 books now so I have a plan. Be on the lookout in a few weeks where I will share all the books I have planned to read in 2022.
The next goal is relating to skin care. I am horrible about is taking care of my skin. Thankfully, I've never had any major issues with my skin, but I do end up with crazy dry patches which could be easily solved by regular care outside of just washing. For 2022 my goal is to improve my skin by washing and moisturizing my skin two times a day and doing 2-3 face scrubs a week. If we can swing it financially, I'd also like to get regular facials. I'm thinking every 2 months would be good, but it will depend on how our budget is panning out.
In the last few months, I have really come to enjoy posting blog posts more regularly, so I have given myself a goal to post 3 times a week for the entirety of 2022. This will include some new and fun topics and also include some of my regular posts that I was doing prior to Blogmas. If you have any ideas of things you'd love to see me post, please let me know! I'd be happy to do more things that you're interested in reading.
I have been working hard to try and post more on my Instagram, so I have set my goal to get to 500 followers by the end of 2022. If you don't already follow me, be sure to check my out: https://www.instagram.com/lifewithmejackabee/. If I can, I'd like to do a post a day for the entire year, but my main goal will be to post 4-5 times a week on my main Instagram and post regularly on my other accounts.
The last goal I have for 2022 is to do better at maintaining our home. I got into a decent routine when we both started working from home so I would like to make sure to pick that back up in the new year. I actually have a weekly cleaning schedule that I try to stick to so I will be picking that back up again.
In August I started a Facebook Group where I share deals that I find on Amazon. When I started the group, it was really more so for me to have a way to make a little bit of money on the side. However, over time I started really enjoying doing the posts and really liked getting to meet new people through my group. I am planning to keep that group going in 2022 and have set myself up with some goals for next year:
- Have 500 members total in the group by the end of 2022. As of today I am at 91 members, so I'd need to get 409 more members to hit my goal.
- Earn $300 total in 2022.
- Expand my offerings for deals. Right now I have 2 opportunities to share deals with the group, but there is one brand with which I'd like to be an affiliate so my goal is to be an affiliate with them by the end of 2022.
If you're interested in joining the group, check it out here: Shop with Me, Jackabee. Every month I do a giveaway for those that participate and as we hit new member goals I will be doing giveaways as well.
If you made it this far, thanks for sticking around! I know it was a lot to read, but I am excited to see what 2022 will bring for us. I love the start of a new year and look forward for a fresh start. But I am also so thankful for 2021 and all the lessons it brought with it. To keep myself accountable for 2022, I am planning to do a monthly check in post toward the end of each month. I created myself a little tracking sheet on Excel where I can log whether or not I completed the goal for the day. Once I get it all set up, I will also be using a bullet journal to track everything.
Well that is everything for today! Do you have any goals for 2022? If so share them here in the comments or over on my Facebook Page.

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Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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