Happy Monday friends and welcome to day 6 of Blogmas! Today I thought it would be fun to share some cute gift ideas for those people that provide you with services. For me, I am always thinking of people that I should be giving gifts to, but I don't often think of getting them things.
During the holidays, a lot of people will leave snacks or drinks out for their delivery people and I absolutely love seeing people be so thoughtful of those that are working extra hard to make sure that we have a special Christmas. However, I also think that it's important to remember your regular day-to-day people that provide you services throughout the year. Whether that's your trash/recycling team, your person that provides your daily mail, your grocery delivery person or your lawn maintenance team, it's important to acknowledge your appreciation for them all year round, but especially around the holidays.
For this post, I thought it would be fun to share 8 gifts you can get for those that provide you services throughout the year. Before I get started, I need to note that some of the items listed below will be affiliate links. That means if you purchase an item from the link, I will receive a very small commission.
Okay! Here's the list of 8 ideas for gifts to get people that provide you service:
1. Gift Card to a nice restaurant. Providing your person with a gift card to a new restaurant or a nice local restaurant not only supports your local restaurant, but it also gives the recipient a chance to go out for a nice dinner. I know for me, I'm always excited about a restaurant gift card because it makes it so I don't have to plan out my budget around going out for that meal.
2. Cash tip. This is something that you will have to decide if you're comfortable doing, but I think providing them with a nice tip as a token of gratitude allows them to spend the money as they see fit. I know for some this isn't the most ideal but I thought I would mention it because it would likely be very appreciated.
3. Hydroflask or similar water bottle. This is a good gift for someone that is on the go for long periods of time. If you know the name of the person who you will be giving the gift to, you could easily get the gift personalized with their name on the front of it.
4. Electric Lunch Box. Know for certain the person spends a lot of time in their vehicle? Then why not get them an electric lunch box. This lunch box plugs into the car and keeps their food warm. This would be a fun way to make sure that they are able to have a delicious hot lunch.
5. Hat, Scarf and Glove Set. This is for those that will be working outside while they are providing a service to you. Provide them with a high quality set that will be stylish and keep them warm while they are coming and going from your house. This is especially important for those of us that live in the colder areas (like Michigan) where it gets pretty dang cold.
Well that is everything that I had for today! I hope you were able to get some inspiration for gifts you may give. I'd like to add that I am not saying you are required to provide a gift to those that provide you services, I'm just providing a few ideas in case you were looking for some fun ideas of gifts to give.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back tomorrow for Day 7 of Blogmas!

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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