Hello and happy Tuesday friends! Today I am doing another round of Tuesday Things! For today's post I am going to just share a few random things from the past week:
1. We got about 5-6" of snow yesterday. I love when we get snow because it makes the winter feel less dreary and makes it look more magical outside. It was nice feeling like we were in a snow globe all day today as the snow fell.
2. I organized our master bath closet yesterday on my lunch break. We have a little closet space in there that we use to store towels and other things that we use in our bathroom and that closet was a mess. It felt like we had just thrown things in there for the last year or so and didn't organize them. So I went ahead and threw out the expired stuff and re-organized everything in the space. It's so nice to open that door and see a nicely organized space.
3. I have to admit that I'm not doing so grate on some of my personal goals this month. It always feels like the first two weeks of the year I kick butt on my goals then the third week I back slide. That being said, I'm happy to report that I am back on the bandwagon this week for the things with which I've been lacking.
4. Have you watched Cheer on Netflix? I watched the first season a while ago and really enjoyed it and the second season came out recently so I've been watching that. I'm a bit nervous to learn more about some of the cheerleaders because it really didn't look good for them.
5. I've been working on a baby blanket for my friend for a while and I'm still not quite done. I don't feel too bad though because I didn't give her her blanket for her son until he was almost nine months old. Right now I'm on track to do it by the time her daughter is only two months so I consider that a win.
Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

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