Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week has been going well and you're getting ready for a fun weekend ahead. This weekend will be filled with Mother's Day festivities and if it works out we will be going to see Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. I am so excited for that movie so hopefully we get to go!
For today's post I thought it would be fun to share a quick review of the books I started in March/April and share the books I have on my agenda the month of May. If you've been keeping up, then you know I have a goal to read 40 books this year which is about 3.5 books every month. I struggled just as much in April as I did in March and continued reading the few books I had started in March. I am happy to report I finished one and I am almost done with the other. In order for me to catch up on my "schedule", I will need to read 9.5 books in the month of May. Let's be realistic, that is not happening. But I will do my best to have some new books to review for you in my recap next month.
I finally finished this book in April and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It was set in Michigan so I had fun when the author made references to my home state and while the story was a smidge predictable I really enjoyed it. In my recap last month I gave the book a 3.5/5 star rating and I think that rating is still accurate for me. The writing was good, the story interesting and barring my reading slump I really did enjoy reading the book.
Friends... I am still struggling to finish this book. I have about 3 hours left to listen to so my plan is to finish listening to this over the next week. It's so weird because it's not that I am not enjoying the book. It's more so that I keep spending time on other things {like Tik Tok} and let's be honest that is not a great use of my time. I will be sure to share my review of the book once I finish it in my post next month.
So far I would give this a 4/5. I really like the storyline and love how sarcastic the main character is.
I got this book as part of a product review with Influenster and so far I am really enjoying it. I really like reading murder mystery novels and this one has all of the mystery and a bit of spice sprinkled throughout. Normally this is not a book I would have gone after but I am so glad I am reading it.
So far in the story I would give the book a 3.6/5. I'll be sure to share my review in my book recap early next month!
Well that is all for my reviews this month! Have you read any of these books? If so, I'd love to hear what you thought and get your feedback. 

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