Hello and happy Tuesday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a fun and exciting week ahead. It's hard to believe we're already in the last few weeks of summer vacation and everyone is getting ready for their kids to go back to school. What will you be doing to enjoy the next few weeks? We'll be hanging out at home and hopefully having some friends visiting soon.
1. I know two people that have had babies in the last week! Both of their babies came early (one a month early and the other 2 weeks) but mommas and babies are doing great. I am so excited for them both and cannot wait to meet them both.
2. I posted a few reels
over on my Instagram last week that did surprisingly well. I've been having so much fun organizing my house one small area at a time and I shared a video of me organizing my drawers in my kitchen. I am working to building my audience organically so if you want to check out the post, head on over!
3. I gave myself the goal to stick on track as much as possible for my goals this month and one week (and one day) in I am doing pretty good. I am finding that the weekends are harder for me to keep on track with not having a normal schedule, but overall it's going well. Now to do it the rest of the month.
4. I have knitted three baby blankets so far this year and still have 1.5 to finish. I'm just over halfway finished on a blanket for my friend who is having a baby in October. The other blanket is for my cousin due in October as well, so hopefully I get them both done prior to the babies coming.
5. Has the weather been all over the place by you? I feel like we go from horridly hot to cool to raining to windy then start that cycle over. It's definitely been so hot in our area the last few weeks and I really don't love the heat. I'm pale year round... and I'm okay with it.
Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.
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