October: Month @ a Glance {10.04.22}


Hello friends and happy October! I am playing a bit of catch up since I've been down for the count with strep the last few days.  I forgot how awful strep is, but I'm happy to share I am back on the mend.  So let's get to the purpose of this post! How are we already in the last quarter of 2022? I know I'm a broken record, but oh my gosh has this year flown by.  So with further adieu, let's chat about this month. 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Chicago with Vicki.  I am so excited because this weekend I am heading out to Chicago with my friend to check out the Starbucks Roastery.  We had originally planned to go in March 2020, but as we all know that went quickly out the window.  So we are finally making our way out there on Friday and I am so excited. 

2. Deck building. I am so excited to share that our deck is in the process of being built and I am so excited.  I've been waiting since March for the work to get going and they're here now making all kinds of noises and I could not be happier. 

3. Apple Picking with Friends.  In a few weekends we're heading to our annual apple picking event with our friends and I cannot wait.  I love going with our friends to pick apples and I am so thankful they like doing it too.

4. Cookie Decorating Class.  I am so excited to go to a cookie decorating class with Justin's mom and sister.  We will be decorating the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus and I'm thrilled.  Speaking of which, have you watched the new Hocus Pocus 2 yet?

5. Our 11th Anniversary.  Our anniversary is at the end of the month so we will be taking the day off work and heading to do something fun together.  Not quite sure what that is yet but it will be fun for sure. 

Goals for October:

1. Finish one book.  I think I have 5-6 books I've been looking at finishing and I'm hoping to get one of them finished before the end of the month. 

2. Decorate the deck.  Since the deck is being worked on right now (eeeeek) I am looking forward to decorating the deck and getting a little bit of use out of it before it gets too cold in Michigan to use. 

3. Clean the basement or garage.  Both of these spaces are a bit of a mess so it would be good to get something cleaning down in either (or both) of those spaces.  Now that we've been working on making some upgrades to our house I'm excited to just have a home for everything in those spaces. 

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope your October is off to a great start.  

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in October?

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