tuesday things {10.18.22}


Hello and happy Tuesday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a fun and exciting week ahead.  We've got a fairly quiet week which will be nice.  We spend all day Sunday relaxing and enjoying the nice, chilly weather we were having. 

1.  We went apple picking with our friends over the weekend and it was so fun.  We've been going every year since I think 2013 (with the exception of 2020) and it is so fun to see how much the place has changed and grown over the last 9 years.  I can't wait to put my apples to use later this week.

2. Our deck is finally done and I am so excited.  We made the decision to not decorate it this year because it seems silly to spend all that time putting the furniture and everything out to just need to take it down in a few weeks.  I did get my egg chair from Target and have been using that but otherwise there isn't any furniture out there for now.

3. It feels like the leaves just turned over night.  I know that happens but fall definitely made an abrupt appearance this year and I'm happy.  I'm just hoping it stays around for a while because it seems like it hasn't stayed long the last few years and that makes me sad.

4. I really need to start reading again.  I love to read books but for some reason have been having an issue prioritizing reading lately and it makes me sad. I think I've just been busy focusing on other things and it's about time I get myself back on the reading train.  Even if it's just 10 pages a day.

5. I signed up for an Instagram academy to learn a bit more about using Instagram and growing my following.  I really would like to hit 500 followers so I'm hoping by taking the time to do this academy I'll learn some fun tricks and can do more over there. 

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week. 

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