tuesday things {03.11.25}


Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week and have many fun things to look forward to for the rest of the week. Today I am doing another round of 5 Things Friday where I share 5 things from the past week. If you want to see past Tuesday Things, click here.

1. I went to a local cat cafe with my friend, Halee, on Sunday and it was so fun. They had a bunch of different cats ranging from kittens to seniors. I fell in love with a CH kitty named Tootaloo. If we were in a place where I could give her a good home, I would have 100% adopted her. But we're not in a position where we can give her a good home. 

2. I'm nerding out because I was accepted to be part of the street team for an author. I've been reading a ton of books lately and keep signing up for ARC reviews. This particular author, Alise Monroe, just released a book and I really enjoyed it.  You should 100% check it out: When I Come Back. If you have Kindle Unlimited, that book is on there so you could read it for free. 

3. Do you celebrate Pi Day? If you do, it's coming up soon! Justin and I always try to get pie to celebrate and I believe he is running out to get a pot pie and dessert pie for us to eat on March 14th. I love Achatz, so I'm hoping he gets pie from there. 

4. The sun has been shining here the last few days and it is amazing how much of a difference it makes for me and my mental health. Yesterday, while our dinner was simmering on the stove, I went out and sunflowered for a bit. If you don't know what sunflowering is, it's basically where you go outside and put your face to the sun - much like sunflowers do. It felt amazing and I was only out there for maybe five or so minutes. 

5. This weekend will be filled with birthday celebrations and I am excited. We will be celebrating my friend's daughter's 1st birth on Saturday and my friend's birthday on Sunday. It will be so much fun getting together with everyone to celebrate.  Now to finish one of the gifts I'm making for my friend's daughter. 

Well that is all for today! I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday and great rest of your week.

Until next time,

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