Hello and Happy Wednesday Everyone! I hope your first day of August was wonderful and you're looking forward to an exciting month as you get ready to go back to school and finish off the summer. August is shaping up to be busy, but fun!
On the Agenda this Month:
1. Family get together. Justin's cousin is coming in from Pennsylvania so we will be going over to his parents hours to see them and get together with the rest of the family.
2. Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga. My friend and I did an indoor class a few months ago and we are going to try and do an outdoor one in a few weeks! I cannot wait to give it a try and maybe get a few good laughs out of the class.
3. Grandma is visiting from N. Dakota. My grandma is coming to visit for a week so we will be spending some time visiting with her while she is here. It will be nice to see her since it's been a little while.
4. My niece's 1st birthday party. It's hard to believe but my niece is already going to be one this Friday and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that she will be one. Next weekend we're hosting a little party for her at my house and the theme is berry first birthday and everything will be strawberries.
5. Keyboard Meetup in W. Virginia. I'm excited to go down to Morgantown for another keyboard meetup. Last year the meetup was in November and the weather was yucky so I'm hoping this year will be better. Plus it's a quick little getaway for us.
6. Brunch with the girls. We're doing another brunch with the girlies at the end of the month and I'm looking forward to that! We've been able to get together more consistently this year than last year and I'm so thankful we get to do that.
Goals for August:
Last month I shared some of the things I wanted to accomplish daily during the month of July and I have to say, I did less than stellar. We had a few hiccups come up which threw us off our routine so that messed me up, but I'm back and ready to go this month.
Like last month I will be using a tracker that I created which was inspired by Evermore Paper Co.. Their website is still down, so I am using my version I created for tracking this month. I'm hoping their site will go back up soon, but if you'd like to use mine, just click on the image at the end of this post - to be clear their version was free and this version is free. I will not earn any income from this printable.
1. Drink 80oz + a day. Drinking water is one of the biggest things I struggle to complete so I am going to make it a daily goal to drink 80oz+ of water a day until it becomes second nature. Thankfully I have my Stanley 64oz tumbler that makes it a little bit easier to get my water in every day.
2. Daily skincare routine. My skin is still all over the place, so I need to pick this back up for August. When I'm consistent, my skin feels awesome and I have to use less makeup. But for some reason I cannot get myself to do it every day. So this month, again, I will be making sure to continue washing, using serums, moisturizing (+ eye cream) and using sunscreen (only during the day).
3. Read 10 pages a day. I did not read a single page of a book in July and I am determined to read at least a portion of a book this month. I don't know that I'll be hitting my goal of reading 12 books this year, but maybe with enough motivation I can still meet my goal.
4. 2+ blog posts a week. I really love creating blog posts for you all and have a goal to post at least 2 times a week. I'd like to post engaging content and share things that you all enjoy. If you have anything you'd like to see, let me know!
Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great month!
Question of the Day: What do you have planned in August?

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