Happy Tuesday friends! AND happy August! How in the world are we already in the month of August. It seriously feels like 2023 is just sailing by. Tomorrow I'll be sharing my month at a glance post, so be sure to check back tomorrow to see what's on our agenda this month.
1. Anyone else have a hard time remembering the exact age of their furbabies? Our youngest turned 6 last week and we had to go back and look at photos to confirm we were correct on her actually being 6 and not 7. I feel like every year we question when we adopted her and get super confused.
2. I need to go to the chiropractor so bad. My back is so off that I'm starting to feel it in my big toes which is just a wild feeling. I need to be better about going, but I really have to plan out my day for when I want to go to the chiropractor.
3. I put together our calendar for the remainder of 2023. Obviously all plans are subject to change, but once we hit September the schedule goes absolutely hog wild. I'm excited for the things we have planned and really hope our friends to make most of the events. Either way, I'll be happy to spend time with whomever can attend.
4. My niece turns one on Friday and I'm marveling at how quickly the time went by. We're having a birthday party for her next weekend and I'm so excited because it's her "berry first birthday" party and is strawberry themed.
5. I'm so proud of myself that I actually caught up on my temperature blanket for 2023. July was a wild month and I find myself pushing that off so I'm glad I was able to use my time this past weekend to catch up and actually be prepared to start August off great!
Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

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